Diabetic macular edema
Diabetic macular oedema involves the leakage of fluid and blood components into the macula. This causes severely blurred vision in the centre of the visual field.
(click to enlarge the image)
What is an OCT examination?
“OCT” is short for “optical coherence tomography” a modern imaging technique like MRI or sonogram, which shows doctors structures inside the eye that can change due to eye disease.
What are medical benefits of the OCT examination?
Careful examination and analysis of the structures seen in OCT images can help doctors identify early signs of eye diseases like AMD and diabetic macular edema.

Before treatment (top), 4 weeks after initial treatment (bottom)
In fact, OCT is so sensitive, it often shows doctors signs of disease before you notice any changes in your vision. This is a tremendous advantage to you; because, studies have proven that starting treatment early is the best way to save vision.
OCT is also helpful for confirming whether your treatment is working or if alternate treatments should be considered.